3 Weight Loss Roadblocks Parents Face And How To Overcome Them

Posted on: 8 April 2019

If you're like many people, you tend to put on a bit of weight during the winter months. Now that spring has finally arrived, you undoubtedly have plans to increase your outdoor activity level and hopefully shed some excess pounds as a result, but you probably also know that losing weight can be a serious struggle — especially for those who have young children in the home. After all, parents often just don't have the time to be as physically active as they'd like.
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Visit The Barber For A Neck Trim Before These Important Events

Posted on: 16 October 2018

One of the benefits of frequent barbershop visits is that in addition to having your hair appear just the way you like it, the back of your neck will also appear tidy. For men who go longer between haircuts, however, it's common for the back of the neck to appear a little unkempt. While you can trim up your face and sideburns with your razor at home, you're unlikely to attempt to clean the back of your neck — as this could lead to an uneven job or perhaps even a cut.
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Two Reasons Why You Should Start Getting Regular Pedicures

Posted on: 12 December 2016

Depending on how active you are, your feet can bear quite the load on a daily basis.  They allow you to walk around with ease, and provide the platform for you to stand on if you work in a vertical position all day.  However, for as vital your feet are to your every day life, it can be very easy to neglect them.  It may have been some time since you took the time to get a professional pedicure, if you've ever had one at all.
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Caring For Braided Hair Extensions

Posted on: 31 July 2016

Managing ethnic hair can be challenging for some women. If you want long hair, but your natural hair won't grow, then extensions could be a valuable tool to help you reach your hair-growth goals. Braided extensions give you the appearance of long hair without the tangles and styling worries associated with long locks. Here are three tips you can use to ensure your braided extensions are long-lasting and fabulous in the future.
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